More about what the PTO provides for Washington-Caldwell students & staff
PTO funds are earned through our Fall/Spring fundraisers, the Classroom Basket Raffle, and generous donations from the community.
Click the links for photos from events!
In-school field trips – PTO helps pay for in-school presentations, including a Lego King and Queen visit, the Racine Zoo, and the Wheelchair Basketball event, among others. Motivational speaker Brad Hurtig visited with students for an in-school field trip.
Students and Teachers of the Month receive $10 gift cards from Amazon. Sponsorship is provided by Washington-Caldwell PTO.
Honor roll recognition for middle school – At the end of each quarter, during a school day, volunteer parents serve ice cream treats to the honor roll students in celebration of their outstanding scholastic achievements.
Bulldog spiritwear for new students – To welcome students who move to the district, PTO provides new Washington-Caldwell t-shirts.
Family directory – Each year, the PTO collects and shares contact information for students’ families to keep in touch. Inclusion is voluntary.
Conferences meals – Parents provide potluck meals for teachers during parent-teacher conferences.
Gifts to the school – PTO has donated various items around the school, including sports equipment, signage, a water bottle filling station and reusable water bottles, a license to watch mainstream movies, and new supply storage cupboards. Basket raffle sales money was donated to the school's STEM Lab in 2020.
carnival – The last day of school is reserved for an all-school carnival hosted by the PTO to kick off summer
STEM LAB materials funded by PTO's family basket raffle.
Color-A-Thon!! PTO joined forces with area schools to have students come together and make this colorful event a success for all involved!
Fall/Winter events
Fall Fest – Each year around the last week of October, the middle schoolers invent fun games for the younger children to play at this costume party. There are plenty of snacks and crafts for all at this evening event.
Holiday gift shop – As the holidays near, students are invited to shop for their families at this annual in-school gift shop. Gift wrap and fun are also provided. All proceeds are donated to local charities in need.
Holiday giving tree – PTO donates $350 plus all proceeds made from the holiday shop to help provide Christmas gifts to the less fortunate.
Classroom basket raffle – Each class donates items to their basket for an amazing raffle. Tickets are purchased and winners selected at the winter concert. 2020's proceeds went to the STEM Lab
Winter concert refreshments – Parents provide milk, cookies and other treats after the holiday music showcase.
Christmas staff appreciation breakfast – Parents bring a potluck holiday breakfast to the teachers and staff, thanking them for all their work.
Chill Out reading event – Students enjoy a morning of reading together in the gym with blankets, pillows, and cocoa from the PTO.
Spring events
Family Movie Nights – The PTO hosts fun events in the evening featuring new movies and old favorites on the big screen in the gym. Popcorn and concessions are served, and students' siblings who are not school-age are also welcome with their families! It's a fun community gathering opportunity for kids to relax in their school environment.
Camp Read-a-Lot – PTO hosts this fun reading event where kids enjoy reading in a relaxed camp-like atmosphere with refreshments.
Eighth grade graduation refreshments – Parents prepare and serve cake and beverages after the eight-grade graduation ceremony.
Join us for the fun!
Washington-Caldwell's Parent Teacher Organization is made up of dedicated parents who love Washington-Caldwell School and the incredible staff, who work with the amazing students who make volunteering for the PTO so much fun!
Lisa Hobson
Joane Snyder
Taffy Milam
Valerie Valentine