April PTO Meeting Notes


April 8 2024

Present: Kelli V., Kevin M., Renee G., Lisa H., Taffy M., Val V., Julianna S., Emily K.,

Meeting Start: 5:20 pm




Savings $3,558.48

Checking $2,082.47

End of The Year Carnival

All is on schedule with the carnival. Payments have been made for the inflatables and the Gee petting farm. At least 2 volunteers per station. Sign-up will go out later.

Spring Fundraiser

Pop’s Popcorn sounds like a good fundraiser. 11 different flavors with 7 cups of popcorn per bag. Good amount! We have enough funds for the end of the year maybe sell with Seroogy’s Chocolates as our Fall fundraiser.

Flower baskets from Robran’s Greenhouse (Marsh Rd. Waterford) Maybe send home flyers with students with a % off flower baskets. Emily Kominiak will talk to Leona Robran. Thanks Emily!

Teacher Appreciation Meal

Breakfast morning of Friday May 10th look for sign-up genius.  Lanyards will be gifted to teachers and staff and ice machine for the teacher’s lounge (Lisa).

PTO Board Nominations

Need new board members. Send out Spring nomination form for PTO board members. Any and all help is much appreciated!

Open Floor

April 24th 5:30-7:00 Steam Night at School. Different stations around the school. Mr. T. will sell snacks for 8th grade but PTO can be at school to help and promote the PTO. It should be a fun night!

Book Fair will be the week of May 14th-16th

Movie Night planned for Friday May 10th at 5:30 with the NEHS and PTO. Movie choices will be between Migration or Minions. Kelli will ask the NEHS students for the final vote.


Meeting end: 6:00