February PTO Meeting Notes

PTO meeting notes Feb 19, 2024


Present: Lisa H, Taffy M, Val V, Joane S, Kelli V, Lucas F, Julianna S, Ashley W, Teri T


Meeting start: 6pm


Savings $4,558.27

Checking $3,336.31




Dr. Lucas Francois on Waterford High School 2024 Referendum

Dr. Francois presented to the PTO on facility improvements that would be made available for our future high schoolers if the referendum passes tomorrow.


What is it for?

This is going to make it a more usable and competitive facility--not the best around, but not falling apart. These are needed facility updates! Addressing all our high school's needs at once will reduce the need for future referendums. 

Question 1 
 – Interior of the building

Modernize tech ed spaces; address failing building systems, make the school  accessible for disabled students. Right-size the cafeteria, move to a new arts wing (more convenient for the auditorium). Old Maple View gym would come down. Enhance security. 


Question 2 – Sports fields accessibility and improvement

Relocate the soccer from low ground (where it floods) to higher ground. Bring in water and sewer for a bathroom and accessible parking. Redo the track by expanding it and make the football field more playable for other sports. Move softball fields, repair stadium lighting.


The improvement projects would be completed in Jan 2026. And residents would have no more referendum questions for 12 years.


We need parents of kids who will benefit from these improvements to go to the ballot box tomorrow. Don’t assume it will pass. The voting margin has been extremely close in previous referendum votes.


Dr. Francois will help champion the referendum for Washington Caldwell when it comes up.




Movie license

We just renewed it for the school for one year for $441.


Pizza party

We need to reimburse Mr. T for the basket raffle winner class pizza party. He submitted receipts this week.


P/T conferences

They start at 4pm on Tuesday 2/20  – Lisa and Julianna will set up the sub sandwich bar after school. Parents will send items they signed up to donate in Signup Genius. We may need to buy a few supplemental items.


May 10 – Breakfast for the Teacher Appreciation Week ceremony

We will also give the lanyards gift, plus a group gift for schoolwide appreciation: maybe more centered to one classroom: gym, music, art, etc.

Use Penguin Patch points for a food warmer? Need to know when we can redeem them.


How can we help with Wash-Cald’s referendum?

Sat March 2 Bulldog Brunch 9:30-11 during Bulldog basketball games: Info open house, STEAM Lab activities, PTO can do crafts.


Honor Roll – need 2-3 people to serve

April 17 – ice cream

June 4 – donuts


8th Grade Graduation

June 4 – we will provide cake and decorate the lunchroom. Ask for help from middle school grade parents: decorate, serve cake, serve punch, clean up.


June 5 - Last Day of School Carnival – need 9 stations

All Star Rentals?

Petting Zoo

Tug of war / 3 legged race

Bounce houses – 3 stations

Pie throwing or Dunk tank (could get parents/teachers to volunteer) – ask the Lions if we can borrow it

Snacks (popcorn, freeze pops, water/lemonade?)

Free play


5-game station (bball, frisbee, ring toss, twister, tic-tac-toe)


New member outreach

We need to have spring elections for new board members!!!!


Spring fundraiser

Pop’s Popcorn?

Rummage sale with NEHS

Movie night with NEHS

Local greenhouse sales, flower baskets (Simon’s, Paul’s Pedal Pushers, Robran’s, Sunnyslope Gardens)—weekend pickup?

“Experiences” basket raffle


April 24, Family STEAM night

PTO could do a concession stand or help somehow.

We will continue with our meetings on 2nd Mondays, both virtual and in-person at 4:30 pm—March 11 will be the next one.


Meeting end: 7:15 p.m.