Attendees: Lisa H, Taffy M, Val V, Kelli V, Kevin M, Renee G, Ashley K
Meeting start: 6:02 pm
Bank balances
$2,183.57 checking
$4,558.06 savings
Penguin Patch & Giving Tree
We made $3,545.50 at the holiday shop. We received 10% of sales, so we will donate around $500 to the Giving Tree. Kelli is picking out the gifts and will cover the cost, we can reimburse her for the full amount.
The sooner we sign up and return our items we get loyalty points. We are saving our points to redeem in March. We need to tell UPS to pick them up when they come. Karen K in the office will let them know to pick up. Hopefully we can get a hotdog warmer or similar to use during events.
The date we picked for next year is the week of December 9th.
We liked it in the lab. We had enough room. It was helpful to have extra helpers with the younger grades. We could have a coloring table for those who finish shopping. We also need to get more candy canes for next year.
Holiday baskets
Wrapping them on Monday the 18th in the Lab. Some stuff was coming in. We need to check with teachers to see if they need empty baskets. Kelli needs an empty basket for a We Love Wash-Cald basket.
We will have a parent who will make some bows to put on the baskets to make them look nice. We still have some plastic wrapping. We also will need to get help to make a list of items in each basket and take pictures to post.
Kevin said they could do a “be a principal for a half day” raffle. Maybe next year we could raffle off a Waterford fire dept or police dept ride to school. At the spring concert we could raffle “experiences” – stuff that isn’t items.
We can advertise in the Parent Update for helpers to put the baskets together for next week.
Winter movie night
January would be ideal. We still have the license and we can get an event in before sports are in full effect. The license is $441. Streaming option is $1k.
Student of the month
Taffy bought cards for months of Dec, Jan, and Feb ($180). It is nice for the school to have them in advance.
Teacher lanyards
Teri picked up and paid. Taffy gave her a check for $234.69 and we will save for teacher appreciation week. They are in the PTO cabinet.
Teacher holiday breakfast
We will do it the morning of Tuesday, 12/19. The teachers will be there later that evening for the concert. We want to keep it simple without a lot of hot foods. Joane or Lisa will set up the signup for it and we will put it in the Parent Update this week.
Open floor
Kevin said thanks for the help at the Penguin Patch!
Next time we do concessions we might ask Toby for the items that are popular such as pizza vs. hotdogs.
Chill Out
We are going to provide Jonna with the cocoa, cups, and candy canes for the event. Friday January 5 when the kids read for 2024 seconds.
Meeting end: 6:34 p.m.