March PTO Meeting Notes

PTO Meeting on 3/13/23

Attending: Kelli V, Taffy M, Lisa H, Samantha S, Toby T, Kevin Mc, Ashley W, Val V, Joane S

Bank accounts update – Joane and Taffy went in and closed the BMO
 account. They gave them a cashier’s check for the balances.

$4,020.59 Savings

$2,659.19 Checking

Conference meal update – everything went well. Chopsticks does a good job and has it ready on time and well-organized.
Gift cards for Mrs. Stephens/Holen Family – Joane will get them each an Amazon gift card. $50 for both.

Movie license/night – We renewed it for next year for $420. We need to make sure it  is helpful, and we want to make sure the teachers can and are using it. Maybe we could use it for an outdoor movie night? But we have to look into it. NEHS wants to show Tom and Jerry as an event to raise money. Maybe the school and us could go half/half because we aren’t using it as much. We need to better utilize it on our part for movie nights.

GaGa Ball Pit – our donation of $500 has been made.

Bus company dance party – Trailside and Woodside did it in coordination with Dousman Bus Co; and they gave glowsticks, had a DJ, and they do it free of charge; about an hr and a half til 7:30; supervisor said to pick two days to choose from in April; for all grades. This would be for all kids, or it might be nice to do it for little kids only. The drivers are there to provide entertainment and have fun! 4/14 or 4/21 would work. We could sell concessions that night. We could open it to families with parents and little kids. Should get the bracelet kind of glowsticks.

**We could have the PTO give to a bus driver appreciation day in the future.

Teacher treats - Mrs. Fieweg suggested that we have a day where we bring Shamrock Shakes (or other) for teachers, go in with the Sunshine Club (school staff treats club) and we can supplement the cost and help pay for the shakes around 1 pm on St. Patrick's Day. We don’t have availability that day so the school will figure it out. 

Teacher appreciation week – Week of May 8 – we usually do breakfast and a gift. Maybe we could get Bulldog lanyards (with the stretchy retractable cord) for the teacher gift. Approx. 40 needed.

Spaghetti dinner – put out feelers for a committee. Lisa will work on a flyer for parents to get involved (volunteer, donations, etc.)

Carnival – We were talking about doing an ice cream truck – Board Together does it as a fundraiser in pints and they also have a truck. Udder Wagon $50 fee to come to school, best to have each kid get one scoop ($5 ea). Made kid friendly and one dairy free. Inside or outside available. We will look into it as a fundraiser, it’s about 15 different flavors, each kid gets a form, two weeks to make sales, we turn them in and she will have them ready within the week! $8.25/pint and we get $2.25/pint.

Chocolate Shop/Madison is the ice cream brand.

Dan Holen also part owns Pop’s Popcorn that can do a fundraiser in the future.

Graduation – We buy the cake and need people to decorate for the ten eighth graders who are graduating!

Honor roll – It will be after spring break, April 12.

PTO Meeting for April – We will stick with having it on 4/10 even though there’s no school.

End meeting 6:48 pm