November PTO Meeting Notes


Washington-Caldwell School PTO Meeting Notes

November 14, 2022 at 6 p.m.


attending: Joane S, Kelli V, Lisa H, Toby T, Ashley W, Val V


start: 6:05 pm


$947.69 savings

Checking is to $0 (the bank owes us $300)

Banking issues – It could take up to 60 days for resolution before we can close. We are changing to Citizen Bank. Lisa and Taffy and Joane will go next week.


Fall Fest – We earned $800 and paid Toby for the kids’ pizzas that night. We had a big turnout and the games went well. For a Friday it was great. We usually do it on Wednesday but this night worked out well.


Boon Supply mishap – When they sent us the prizes for the kids who sold, each one was missing an item. Taffy and Joane went through the missing items and they called it in. We are waiting for their check for the sales ($4,200). Plus what we have from Fall Fest ($800) and Snowflake Sessions ($500), we will open the new accounts.


Ice cream for honor roll – Wednesday of this week. Lisa will purchase and can be there. We need helpers. Teachers can assist. Ashley can come and help also.


Snowflake photo sessions – Went really well and people were very interested in it. Feedback from families was they had a great experience. It was easy money for us and the sessions were filled really fast. Casandra did it for free so we will give her a gift card (a meal from a local place). We could ask how she wants us to do the promo: she mentioned her website as well as on FB. Maybe she could help us out with Fall Fests (print off photos).


IEN number – With our new number we can be a nonprofit, which will be useful in fundraising in the future!


Holiday Baskets choices – Everyone has selected a theme. By December 14 they will send the items. Baskets will display via FB week of 19th and 20th and they will be available at the holiday concert. We will assemble baskets on the 19th.


4K – Ms. Haase Taste of town

5K – Ms. Bailen Games & Activities

1st Grade – Mrs. Borchardt and Mrs. Maass

Arts and Crafts

2nd Grade – Mrs. Fiehweg Beach Day

3rd Grade – Mrs. Keuler Mystery?

4th Grade – Ms. Daschner We Love Wisconsin!

5th Grade – Mr. Dehne Cooking and Baking

6th Grade – Mrs. Mazurek Winter Warm-Ups

7th Grade – Ms. Maass Movie Night

8th Grade – Mr. Thompson Gift Cards

Speech Therapy – Supper Clubs of Southeastern Wi (this will NOT include alcohol items)

*Ask Kevin if he wants to participate again!


Penguin Patch – Holiday shopping for the kiddos to buy for their family. Joane got eight boxes of supplies already! We will try to store them at the school somewhere. We will get a signup for volunteers. Setup: DEC 5, Shopping: DEC 6, 7, 8. We will do the baskets first then announce this after Thanksgiving (the week before).


Giving Tree donation – The money raised at Penguin Patch goes to Giving Tree. The school supports multiple families from the community. School will use the donation to buy winter coats and clothing.


Gaga ball donation – 8th graders have $1,700+ from pizza sales and the car wash, etc. and they need $3,500. What if we used the $500 from the photo shoot for the gaga ball pit? All are in agreement that it is a good use.


PBIS student and teacher reward – We have been supporting this with lunches, but they would like to change it to $10 gift cards from Amazon. $240/year—they can submit the bills for exact cost.


Would PTO be able to pick up lunch for three staff each month? And can we donate $10 to each teacher for each lunch? YES!


Chill Out – Reading party with cocoa and candy canes. We will supply the items. First Friday after holiday break. Get large tubs of cocoa instead of individual packets (@ Costco).


End meeting 6:48