February PTO Meeting Notes

Washington-Caldwell School PTO Meeting

February 14, 2022 at 6 p.m.


attending: Joane S, Kelli V, Lisa H, Kevin M, Val V


funds update:

$3,225.97 checking

$1,316.50 savings


Conference meals – 2/23-24 Chinese from Chopsticks in Waterford. We could buy a few family size orders, PTO can get the food on Wednesday 2/23. Take a survey of what people want for an order (get to Joane or Taffy) and PTO can get it to school by 4:30.


Movie night – Not having a movie license makes it more difficult for the movie incentives in school. SWANK is the biggest license and costs ~$600. We only had it for one year before we let it lapse (covid). Let’s plan a family night the Tues 3/15 before spring break. Encanto at 6-8 pm, movie begins at 6:15pm, bring blankets/pillows, create a flyer; snack bar: popcorn $1, juiceboxes, assorted candies. Play in gym. Advertise as PG. Make it a family event that all siblings are welcome, parents must attend/supervise. If we buy it we can raffle it in the end.


Spring fundraiser: Milwaukee Pretzel Co.  – pick a date when to start and when to deliver. Plannint on April 1-14 (two weeks). We can get paper order forms and do a pdf in the parent update. We can put out fliers at movie night.


End of year carnival – Big event. Need to get going on it if we are going to rent equipment. Same company as last year. Let’s talk about it next month, Joane will look it up.


Holiday Shopping with Penguin Patch – we have points to get something for the school. When we get it we will send it to Kevin and Kelli to decide. The company asked if we could change the timing but we prefer the second week of Dec. Three days event (2.5) so everyone can get the items they need.


Bulldog Directory: Kelli will help us get the missing emails and Val will add her as an editor so she can add their info and finesse the format. We will change it to PTO email as owner before sending.


Locker project: Need to get quotes, so we can draft a letter for gathering $

We have 70-90 lockers, currently middle school uses them but some elementary have them by default and love them. We’d like to get them for everyone. We need to reach out to Krista Augle, whose father-in-law works for Spacesaver. She may have quotes. Palmer-Hamilton in Elkhorn does school furnishings. We can ask Fox River where they got theirs, etc. Cubbies might work, too, especially for younger kids. Area by art room needs places for coats. We can help the school raise bigger funds (the donations will go straight to the school). We will be in touch with Rachel about this when the time comes.


Open floor

Kevin had a superintendent meeting last Friday with other schools. Kate Brown brought up Classmunity. Centralized location for fundraising, could be used with PTO. It would help school/district with different fundraisers (teachers, etc.). There’s a fee for the numbers of fundraisers and the company gets a small percent of overall take. Kevin will share with us to take a look.


End meeting 6:58