Washington-Caldwell PTO Meeting Notes
Monday 10/4/21 6 pm
Present: Joane S., Krystal H., Kelli V. (Martin the cat). Kevin McK., Taffy M., Krystal Heinze, Jennifer W.
Val V.
Current bank balance is: checking: $441.58, savings $1,816.46
1. New student t-shirts: PTO buys all 4K kids plus other new students their first Bulldog tee. Typically $7. Eighteen in 4K, roughly 30 total.
2. cookbook update—approx 20 left, Taffy and Val will meet to divide pd copies and send to the teachers. We need to figure out who still needs to pay and contact those people
directly. The rest we will sell at Fall Fest and Winter Concert.
3. school directory-we will do a final request for info for people; 13 people need to send their emails because the writing wasn’t clear. Create a google form for the info to be
gathered – VV will send a message to KK with Google form link
4. student assembly – we pd $475 for an assembly with Brad Herzog/motivational speaker about determination, etc. He was armless from elbow down and speaks about perseverance.
Canceled during pandemic. Reschedule for Oct. 29 in person. Thanks KEVIN for funding the balance! Joane will create a request for donations to supplement, and put in a list of events in the
Parent Update.
5. movie license – last year we did not use it how we wanted to ~ this year it went up to $600 –so let’s forgo for now. Come around to it in spring and see where we’re at.
6. Students of the Month – when kids earn Stargazing awards, the teachers nominate them for student of the month. They randomly select 4k-2nd, 3-5, and 6-8. Those students get a yard
sign and lunch and a medal. They can pick sub, chips, and cookie. Taffy will pick up for those who earned the award in Sept.
7. Staff meal on Thurs. 10/7 - 30 subs from Subway + snacks/drinks from Pick n Save. Taffy will pick up from Waterford, including soda and variety boxes of chips.
8. pretzel fundraiser – Attempt a fundraiser with Milwaukee Pretzels (50% of profit to org). Big pretzels for freezer that come with salt, etc. Not too difficult to send out info,
just an order form. We can pick up from them no charge. We would need to store them in freezer bags/coolers til pickup. Pan twisted and come in freezer bag.
9. Fall Fest – Middle schoolers set up games and little kids come dressed up and get candy. We have concessions such as caramel apples … We raised some money that way, too. We will
consult with school nurse about if appropriate this year. Ask Tom and Danielle if they want to participate as chairs one last year. Taffy will donate pumpkins. We need volunteers and families
will donate candy. Thursday evening 10/28, 5:30-7:00. Cash only event unless we get Venmo figured out. We will get pizza for middle schoolers who set up.
10. basket raffle – Winter concert is on! School needs to pick a date. Themed baskets by classroom and raffle tickets are sold for each basket. Will we have baked goods or bagged treats after?
11. open floor – thanks to new parents for coming!