Washington-Caldwell PTO
Monday, January 13th, 2020
5:00-6:00 p.m. Open Session
PTO Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
Meeting called to order 5:10 p.m.
Treasure’s report:
BMO Harris Bank as of: Monday, January 13, 2020
Savings: $6,812.21
Checking: $4,983.87
Christmas Staff Brunch- Wednesday December 18, 2019 – Everything went well with plenty of food and teachers were very pleased. Staff appreciation brunch will be scheduled sometime in May, any ideas from teachers? Tina will look into some ideas for staff members. Conference meal scheduled for February 26, 2020. Joane will set up a Sign-up genius for all parent volunteers.
Holiday Concert- Gift baskets went really well, raising a total of $1,573.00 for the STEM Lab.
Giving Tree- The Giving Tree was a success. Between the YMCA, Norway Lutheran Church, and Washington Caldwell PTO, 9 families were helped this year. The money donation of $350.00 from the PTO was used to purchase clothes for those families.
Teen movie night was rescheduled for Friday February 14, 2020, but not enough interest, will discuss at the next meeting of an all school movie night.
In House Field Trips- Nothing scheduled, but Ms. Vogt brought up the idea of motivational speaker named Brad Hurtig to come in to speak with grades 5th-8th (maybe 4th grade also). April 29th, 2020? Discuss with Mrs. McGrath.
STEM Lab- The STEM Lab is moving along well. There are a lot of changes in the library. Money raised so far, from the PTO will help with the new flooring, which is being installed this week.
Spring Fundraiser- Ideas…Family paint night with parents painting in one room and the kids in another. Concessions served and volunteers would be needed along with pre-registering so we would know how much supplies would be necessary. More discussion needs to be made, but the idea sounds great!
-The Wall of Money will be done again this year with Joane and Tina setting up the display of envelopes. Classes will have a chance to decorate/color the envelopes that will be labeled in 3 sets of 1-50. We would like to have it set up by February.
-Book Fair this year at school (Theme is Jungle) Turn off the T.V. week will keep the same theme. Dates are set for March 16th-19th 2020. Joane will be in charge of creating fun activities for families to do at school during the week of book fair.
End of the Year Celebration- Theme will be the “Show Your True Colors” and Tina will be chairing this event.
Meeting adjourned at 6:19pm