September 2019 Meetup Agenda and Notes

Washington-Caldwell PTO

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

6:00-7:00 p.m. Open Session

PTO Meeting Minutes


        I.            Call To Order

Meeting called to order 6:00 p.m.


      II.            Introductions of Officers for 2019-2022 (2 year term)

President: Tina-Marie Willms

Vice President: Joane Snyder

Secretary: Taffy Milam

Treasurer: Krista Augle


    III.            Treasure’s report:

BMO Harris Bank as of: Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Savings: $6,811.07

Checking: $3,274.99

Signers Krista and Taffy. Bank Statements to school address. Check book as well as a new debit card for new way to access for more efficiently.

Need a bank stamp ordered

2 bank bags will be stored in PTO cabinets at school.


    IV.            2019-2020 budgets will be available at our next PTO meeting


      V.            Fall Fundraiser: combined school goal $10,000 in order to keep 70% of funds


·         September 29, 2019 at 12:30 for star of race arrive between 11:30am and 12:30pm for registration. Other schools involved in Colorathon are Trailside, Evergreen, Woodfield, and North Cape. There will be a DJ, Cotton exchange will be donating food, porta potties, possible food truck. High school concession stand will be available for use.


·         Sign up genius was shared on Facebook for volunteers to sign up.


·         Late registers will be receiving a blank white shirt with a small colorful prize. People can register late right up until before the run/walk.


·         Volunteer and staff will have logo shirts paid by the WC PTO at $3/shirt.


·         Extra chalk will be purchased from host school from Amazon. Cost and profits will be split between all schools involved.


·         Fundraiser total as of September 16, 2019: Total $4,625.00. $1,388.00 payable to color company. WC PTO gross $2,237.00. New Total as of September 17, 2019 $4905.00


·         Thank you to Kelli V and Nicole for impressive parent updates


    VI.       PTO Website: Discussed keeping it for now and in the mean time finding a more economical website service such as Google Current one is $50/year. More dedication to ramping it up and advertising site through Facebook and E-mail. Kelli will be sharing more of the PTO’s Facebook posts to the school Facebook.


  VII.            Spring Fundraiser: Possible Chocolate Fundraising Company. Tina will be getting more information on that. Cook Book and “Wall of Money” other possible ideas


VIII.            Getting more donations from businesses, families, and friends such as gift cards (restaurants, cash stations, kid play places, museums, sporting events, etc.) that can be used as PTO’s discretion which could include prizes for kids, silent auctions, and raffles. Krista would appreciate any leads or parents reaching out to their employers for such contributions! She will be canvasing local businesses (any volunteers would be appreciated) and will be putting in applications to receive tickets from various places as soon as she gets the EIN number which needs name and address changed. Jill McGrath will reach out to Angie Bailen for some ideas on this. Letters will be made that include our EIN number to pass out to businesses.


    IX.            Events Calendar: Needs to be made and distributed to board.


      X.            PTO E-Mail:


    XI.            Future Events: Volunteer chairperson will be in charge of assisting other volunteers. Sign up Genius will be provided by PTO for volunteers to sign up as well as suggested job roles, dishes for teacher conference night, etc.


  XII.            PTO Meeting Dates: Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6pm. This will be more effective as to present the School Board with ideas which their meeting are the 3rd Monday of every month.   


XIII.            Movie Nights:


·         2 teen and 2 family ones total of 4 is the goal for the school year. Dates need to be determined.

·         Krista is going to try and get food and snacks donated by businesses. PTO will be eliminating concessions and in the place of that a spread will be provided and a donation jar will be available. This way eliminating a volunteer or two as well as being able to offer healthier options such as fruit and vegetable trays. If parents would like to bring a dish to share would be an option if they choose.

·         We will try to get McDonald’s to donate cups with lids as to not ruin gym floor.  


XIV.            In house field trips were discussed.

·         Jill will be reaching out to the one she had in mind to see if they are still available.

·         Mrs. Stephens-zoo field trip need to followed up on


  XV.            Parent Meal for Teachers confirmed for evening of October 2nd, 2019.

Volunteers needed as well as dishes will be made available for sign up through Sign Up Genius.


XVI.            FallFest: Briens have volunteered to chair that event.


XVII.            Box Tops and Amazon:

·         Last day haul for physical BoxTops date is October 15th, 2019

·         PTO will begin advertising Amazon Smile Non Profit program.